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What are you eating? Unborn babies for a start

Writer's picture: WilliamWilliam

Ok ok, I know you want to keep the dietary laws of the Old Testament. There’s nothing wrong with that. I get get it. Pork is unclean. Shellfish is unclean. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to stay clear of all that stuff. BUT you may want to also check out what’s in your food that you presently eat and drink. Ever heard of Senomyx? ( well you may want to look into this San Diego based company who uses “artificial” flavoring and additives in different food and drinks. Word is that aborted fetus tissue and cells are what makes the artificial additives and flavors. This was an article from 2011. (

Do you think I’m lying and trying to bring fear into your normal daily routine? Well think again. Remember when Planned Parenthood got caught selling aborted fetuses to “people”? ( (

Who do you think they were selling them to? They were (are) selling them to companies like this. There was even a bill from 2012 that tried to stop using aborted fetuses in food. ( But a bill wasn’t obviously going to stop them. Now we even find human DNA in hot dogs. (

You can find the “additive” under the label HEK 293. It stands for “Human Embryonic Kidney cells, with 293 denoting that the HEK was from the 293rd experiment. HEK293 originally came from a healthy, electively aborted baby whose cells were then harvested and cloned.” Read all about HEK 293 here. (


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