Viruses do not exist! And Dr Stefen Lanka has proved it...
For a year and a half, a virus has become just about humanity's greatest enemy and the end is far from in sight.
Now something has surfaced about this so-called virus via a German scientist, which can be called downright shocking. We come back to the cause of all the misery in which we as a society now find ourselves. That is, the cause as stated in the mainstream world. A dangerous virus that has either passed from animal to human in Wuhan or has escaped deliberately or unintentionally from a laboratory. We have already written countless times about that nobody to this day
scientifically demonstrated that the infamous SARS-CoV-2 virus actually exists. We have even discovered through our own research where the deception about viruses originated.
In that context, the video in this article is very interesting. It is a recording in which a young lady once again explains step by step why the virus that shuts down our entire society at times, scientifically does not exist at all.
She also makes an illustrative comparison about how to sell it to the public that there is a virus, but what it really is an epidemic. Epidemiology is very different from virology. Epidemiologists determine that there are the same symptoms among a certain group, but do not determine the cause. Virology deals with the cause of certain symptoms. If at a certain moment quite a few people become ill more or less simultaneously with the same symptoms, we speak of an epidemic. And because this is so, there must be a virus active, science argues in our present time.
When sailors spent months at sea a few hundred years ago, they often became ill too. They all had more or less the same symptoms at the same time, which was caused by scurvy. Nowadays, people would say that these sailors became ill with the scurvy virus and that a vaccine against scurvy must be made very quickly. They then take some genetic material from those sailors and that is proof of the existence of the scurvy virus.
Everyone knows that scurvy is not caused by a virus, but by a lack of mainly vitamin C and so everyone knows that a vaccine against scurvy will not help to prevent this ailment. Unless you're going to call injecting vitamin C a vaccine, of course. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster also caused the same symptoms among a group of people, but everyone also knows that there was no virus there.
The situation with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is identical. Because a number of people in China became ill, it was assumed that this was caused by a virus. There was no scientific evidence in the form of an isolated virus. All there was was a bit of genetic material taken from the lungs of people who had fallen ill. This had to contain the virus and on that basis they started using the infamous PCR tests to demonstrate the presence (which the inventor Kary Mullis himself also says is not suitable for this ) and a little later in time , on this basis, with the development of the vaccines.
It is and remains a completely insane story, yet they continue to sell it that way and the mainstream media has managed to create a kind of collective fear psychosis among the population.
Yes, but, it is said: what if people in different countries get diseases that are all related to the respiratory organs. As you can see in the video, there are so many things that can cause this that you can never say that what makes people sick in China is what makes people sick in our country. The presence of some genetic material in patients says nothing at all and is certainly no basis for everything that has been done to supposedly get that one virus under control. And all deviations in the symptoms, which are of course there precisely because of all those different causes, we simply call mutated variants.
The video below was created by Ekaterina Sugak, a naturopath and researcher.
Using pictures, it is shown how you should isolate a pathogen and demonstrate that this actually causes the disease. This is the way it is enshrined in Koch's original postuates.
Only in virology do they claim to have isolated a virus, when in reality they have not. They assign a very different meaning to the word isolate than the rest of humanity.
They take a sample from a sick patient and place it in a cell culture. When they do that, they really don't have the faintest idea whether there are actually virus particles in that sample and certainly not which ones exactly. Then they add large amounts of antibiotics and antifungals and ensure that the cells are largely deprived of nutrition.
Then they study what they call the cytopathic effect. That is, they study the changes that occur in the cells. After a few days the cells have died and according to them this is the scientific proof that the cell death was caused by a virus.
The above process is seen by virologists as “isolating” the virus. They argue that because the cells have died, it must have been caused by a pathogen they call a virus. Did those cells die from a virus or from lack of nutrition and the toxic properties of the antibiotics and antifungals?
Scientists can easily determine this by repeating the same experiment with a sample from a healthy person, for example some spit. If at the end of that experiment the cells are still healthy and alive, you can say that there is a pathogen in the first case (which means that the type of pathogen has still not been determined).
The bizarre thing is that the existence of what is called the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been "proven" in the way described above, but also that there is not one study around the world that has the "control experiment". executed. Repeating the experiment with a sample from a healthy human. The situation is therefore that they take diseased tissue of which it has not already been determined what causes it and is therefore based on an assumption, with which they then conduct an experiment without checking for healthy tissue. Apart from not following the gold standard, it is also completely unscientific.
But, it gets much worse. Because a control experiment has never been performed with other discovered viruses either. The reason they never did this, according to Ekaterina, is because it would mean the end of virology. And with that she also confirms exactly what we wrote in the previously linked article about Koch's postulates. Koch actually concluded that he could not prove the existence of viruses according to his method. He did say that there was a pathogen, but he could not demonstrate how it should be defined.
In the video, Ekaterina explains that once in the 1950s such a control experiment was done that (obviously) is never talked about. The reason is clear and is further explained by Ekaterina in the video.
There is now a German scientist who has and to many the name will sound familiar because that is Dr. Stefan Lanka.
This scientist has become famous because he managed to get the highest German courts to declare that there is no proof whatsoever that the measles virus exists.
A small excerpt from an earlier article from 2017:
The Federal Supreme Court (BGH) has ruled in the measles virus lawsuit. The first civil Senate of the BGH has confirmed the judgment of the Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart (OLG) of 16 February 2016. The amount of €100,000 which I offered as a reward for scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus is not to be paid to the plaintiff. The applicant was also ordered to pay all legal costs.
Five experts have been involved in the case and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. dr. Andreas Podbielski, who was appointed by the OLG Stuttgart to represent the preliminary trial, have consistently determined that none of the six publications submitted to the trial contains scientific evidence of the existence of the alleged measles virus.
Now it is the same Stefan Lanka who has performed control experiments on the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
He did exactly the same experiment that science has done to prove the existence of the above virus, but so he took samples from a healthy person.
The outcome of the experiment should then be that the cells do not die (destroyed by the virus, as virologists claim happens in their experiment), but remain perfectly healthy because Lanka does not add virus material to the cell culture.
Other than that, the experiment is the same. He does it in four different ways as shown in the picture below. In the leftmost column nothing happens and the cells remain neatly intact. In the second column from the left, Lanka partially imitates what the scientists do, but a little less violently and you can already see the first cells disintegrating.
The rightmost column shows the result with everything in the mix as they "proved" the SARS-CoV-2 virus and you see that all the cells have died. However, what is left after the cells have died is a collection of genetic material made up of all sorts of elements including animal ones because cells from those origins have been used for culture.
The outcome can be guessed at and is that in the genetic material that remains after the experiment without any virus material (that is, from the healthy tissue) you will still find genetic material of any virus you want.
All this again means that scientific evidence has never been generated for the existence of the virus phenomenon. And again, if that is the case, then a properly working vaccine can never be made and all corona measures are the greatest possible mess.
Forerunner of the Lanka experiment, which has already proven that viruses do not exist, was a pre-World War II event. Thomas Rivers, a scientist employed by the Rockefeller Foundation, adapted Koch's postulates on behalf of this institute. At the beginning of this article we already linked to the previous publication on this website where everything about this is described.
Koch's postulates are already considered the gold standard for detecting a virus. The steps to be followed in Mr Koch's postulates already showed that viruses could not be detected. Mr. Rivers then, on behalf of the Rockefellers, adjusted the postulates for that reason and since then it has been used as the gold standard, falsely according to Koch's postulates. This is therefore absolutely not the original method as Koch had formulated it in his postulates.
And since that time, all virologists have used that view, which they elaborate on with all kinds of methodologies such as the one Dr Lanka now refutes in his control experiment.
All in all, the bottom line is that no one has ever been able to prove any virus. So when people talk about "the coronavirus", ask what virus they mean and how they know it exists.
And then here's a short video where Dr. Lanka himself explains his control experiment.
If you are currently walking around with the idea that vaccinating against corona might be a good thing and to get that shot, then you may have woken up just in time. We sincerely hope so and wish everyone a long and healthy life!