The Global Corona Crime Against Humanity: Science Against the Suicidal Death Cult
The prevailing Corona Narrative: A Stillborn eternal Undead
It is nonsense to test symptomatic people for one and only one respiratory virus. It is madness to do this with a hypersensitive RT-PCR test with Ct threshold >35 only without, in case of positivity, complementing highly specific confirmatory test because the detection of theoretically one SARS-CoV-2 RNA fragment does not prove an infection and certainly not a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 or a death caused by COVID. Furthermore, anyone who dies within 28 days of a positive RT-PCR test of whatever cause is designated as "deceased WITH Corona", ostensibly for "international comparability". These are not medical malpractices, but criminal acts. And it is the coronation of this already unbelievable insanity to (mass) test even asymptomatic people in this naughtiness. By the way, the same utter madness can be created with any respiratory virus.