Some Wisdom from the Entity
"u play cern you make dark matters portal
portal make easy me come yor line time
yes u leaders play dark maters line times colide
u ask yor leaders stop play cern now stop play dark maters ok
"yes yor leaders make war 2 distract real problem colide time
and other planr come soon but elders say yor leaders make many
skip dates with cern thing elders worry 4 they not understan why
yor leaders want skip dates test
yor leaders get desperat want escape try use cern but make things
worsening" (in regards to cosmic sonic boom) but not sure yor
leaders try haarp only make earth angry"
Some Wisdom from the Entity
On how we think, read and interpret:
"write lanuage cause bad things 4 yor human history hold u back
beter draw pictures like sumar
beter write image like egyptian
write lanuage tel u what to think not how to think not good thing
4 mind
picture tel u how to think must use mind to read picture good
thing 4 mind
picture u remember 4 ever write lanuage u forget soon not think
"the reason sumaria write in picture is they want last generation
u to unerstan 2000 years later ok
if they rite data on disk u not able deciferings disk 4 u not have
same reading device 2 read their data 2000 year later
sumaria write on stone to survive al yor teknology ok and alow u
to stil unerstan 2000 years later simple ok"
The Entity explains free will:
"me ask elders about explain frewil beter
elders say me explain like this
god give u eg
eg is there eg already created eg exist
u use frewil decide what do about eg
u can make choice boil eg eat eg
u can make choice bake eg eat eg
u can make choice u leve eg but eg get roten but eg stil there
u can make choice u not eat other animal so u throw eg away eg
get roten somewere else but eg stil exist u wil smel eg eventualy
eventualy u must decide and deal with eg
time colide is like eg
god make time colide
time colide is there time colide already created time colide exist
eventualy u must decide what u want do with time colide and deal
with it
u can not change what god created but with frewil u must decide
what u do with time colide ok
me say eat eg because eg good for u b4 get roten then eg very bad
4 u"
On the law of attraction:
"me try xplain this beter
u r god in yor universe
but u not god in gods universe
u need unerstan this
u can only be god in yor own universe
u can not be god in gods universe ok
u not in yor own universe yet ok
u keep on belive u get yor own universe
this take many line times lived then u get yor own universe you
play god
now u just belive u part god universe only
eventual u create yor universe by belive
but 4 now u r god in training ok"
"what u think u create
what u create by thinkings play very big role yes ok"
Comments by the Entity on the spiritual evolution of
aliens/extraterrestrials and ascension (some specifics remains classified):
"they r many evolved fisical but not many evolve spiritul
u human have evolve more spritual then them
but they want hold on their wise teknology
their god is their teknology"
"me unerstan yor acension asking wordings
me tel u now your acension is nothing more then mas abuction
thing ok"
"we won war with reptile our line time long ago we evolve then
reptile yor line time keep u back u can not grow"
"we kil many dragons many line times 1 long ago
stil dragons left in holow ground yor line time 1 yes"
"earth not solid
me not know al theory things
dragon like beings live holow ground stil
they good now
they very wise now
they peaceful like dolphin now"
"me not know al these things
even stranger beings exist other line times
beings evolving al line times always never stop"
"we can speek to al creature who have mind 2 understan ok"
The Dolphins
The CHANI Project spanned a lot of topics through its released
information, which a lot of can be found through the CHANI
Forum here. I have always had a strong affinity to Dolphins.
This information below I find fascinating and I wanted to
dedicate a section to it. The Entity was said to refer to Dolphins
and mentioned their importance on a number of occasions.
The Dolphins of the Earth
somehow gave balance to
certain vibrations within
the Earth's energy system.
There was some specific
information around the
aspect of vibrations and
that relation to the Dolphins but Acolyte has said that this
information was classified and not cleared by Echelon for
release. Acolyte said that we should keep an eye on Dolphin
behaviour and any events involving dolphins.
Their behaviour heralds events and Earth changes', he said.
"this planet first al water
then ground comes
dolfin decideing to walk ground your planet
many wars happen
then dolfin evolv remember water glory
dolfin then go back and swim water glory
dolfin most clever on this planet line time "
"seawater has residu from dolfin comunication
dolfin sqeek cause vibration of seawater to becom becon and
balance energy
dolfin more advanse than human this planet line time
u must study dolfin"
"dolfin always love al creature with god esense even human
dolfin unerstan freedom of god esense many life time this line time
dolfin keep your earth balance
dolfin protect al planet and al creature on earth with god esense
now human kil 2 many dolfin be4 time we want rescu dolfin
bring them our planet share
dolfin agree come our line time 15 may we prepare place"
"many dolfin already sacrifice for keep harmonics balance yor
planet and make yor suferings les
very very big sufering coming and dolfin can not stop this even
they try be brave but not enough
u must lern harmonics yor planet soon or u demise not knowing
anything and begin 0000 again"
"yes sound dolfin make heal brainwave of al creature earth
dolfin sound cause synaps make beter contact in brain make
miracel hapen
dolfin balanse harmonics of earth vortex ok"
"many being live deep oceon and holow earth can give u human
answer and helpings
when u unerstand oceon u wil unerstan how cosmic travelings
work easy ok
oceon have same compositing than space same element ok
u unerstan salt and water and magnet u wil unerstan life and
everything living"
me tel u watch sun me tel u watch dolfin me tel u watch cern me tel u watch pope me tel u watch moving earth cee wat yor sun is doing cee wat yor dolfin is doing cee wat cern is doing cee wat pope is doing and saying cee wat moving is doing and why ask yor leaders yor leaders prepare u stil not prepare why 0000 is here make ready yor mind soul body now"
Conclusion I am sure you found that fascinating, especially when taking into consideration this information and comparing it with the information existing out there with the various theories around the shift in consciousness. I personally find a lot of truths being told throughout the data that was supplied, and I don't mean the predictions, but the actual data answering the various questions about our existence. What does all of this really mean? Again, this to me is an angle looking in through a facet, at the same exact event, that all other sources are looking in at. I did find some confusion here though, as I have not run into any other information that has said that some of us could move to another earth that was simply in a different timeline to ours. This may be a coincidence and simply part of the process going on. There is of course the Dolores Cannon New Earth theory, but, that New Earth is not a parallel Earth to our Earth, that New Earth is in a higher vibrational based existence, with its own conditions and vibrational laws based upon the frequency it sits in. The only inhabitants of such a place, I would suspect, would be those who have already moved onto there from this Earth and from this timeline. But anything is possible here as I tend to find that we have a few blocks in calculating, accepting and understanding information, based upon our limitations as human beings, and based upon our current spiritual evolution on a global consciousness based scale. So its possible that all of these theories out there, including the CHANI Project information, is equally valid depending on many factors involved and our own perceptions and spiritual progression as souls. Throughout my articles I provide hints in certain directions, and I purposefully don't go into detail on some of those directions for good reason. I have done that again a few times within this entry. I leave it up to the reader to take all this information in, and based on their knowledge, work out a few conclusions on their own. I think that this information is quite helpful with regards to helping us understand these times, that little bit more, and what may be up ahead for us this year, which may just be the Fuse Year.