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Writer's pictureWilliam

"Infinite love is all that can be everything else is an illusion" David Icke

"love opens you to the world which allows

you to bring in the joy the energy and

the happiness fear closes you down love

enhances energy fear shuts the energy

down I'd like to talk to you about what

is called the honeymoon effect but to

understand that first we just have to

simply say that only 5% of your life is

coming from the conscious mind the one

with the wishes and desires and

aspirations the life that you would love

to lead 95% of our life comes from the

subconscious habits that primarily were

acquired by observing other people so 95

percent of the day you are not

necessarily moving toward that wish of

heaven on earth and I say but what

happens when we fall in love and the

answer is all of a sudden in 24 hours

your life can radically change your life

could be bla bla bla bla every day of

your life until one day a change occurs

and in this case I'll use you meet

someone that you fall in love with and I

say what is the consequence of falling

in love well in a regular day 5% of our

life is created by the conscious mind

and thinking sends the conscious mind

back into the inside of the head which

then makes the subconscious mind the

driver of our life 95 percent of the day

with its negative behaviors but when you

fall in love guess when you stop

thinking you stay mindful what does that


that means look you've been looking for

this person your whole life and now

they're in front of you why would you be

thinking you would be present and taking

it in and of living the moment that you

can well guess what if you stop thinking

then the conscious mind is not working

just 5% of the day it's working over 90%

of the day and all of a sudden said well

now I'm creating my life from wishes and

desires not from the limiting programs

in the subconscious mind so falling in

love is an opportunity to get out of the

program well first of all let me just

emphasize this falling in love is not

just romance love falling in love is

something that just takes your heart and

opens it up you could be a gardener and

put your hands in the dirt and that

makes you feel so good and so healthy

that's a form of love you can be a cup

in the kitchen creating wonderful

recipes and in that process enjoying it

so much that you stay present while

you're cooking and guess what you're not

reverting to your subconscious programs

so the honeymoon effect does not

necessarily mean just romance with a

person it could be happiness with your

pet it could be the gardening of the

cooking artwork anything that you do

that enhances your being here now rather


going back and and operating from

subconscious beliefs the relevance of

the honeymoon effect is love again

whether it's love for an individual or

something that you're working on why is

that so vital for us and the answer is

profoundly important because love

represents harmony between you and the

environment in which you're living and

in harmony enhances your vitality

because the energy of that is feeding

you to be healthier and happier

in contrast through an experience of

love the opposite would be fear I say

what's the relevant difference between

that the answer is love enhances your

vitality and your energy fear closes you

down when you're in protection you wall

yourself off from the world around you

that's what protection is all about so

love opens you to the world which allows

you to bring in the joy the energy and

the happiness fear closes you down while

you think you are protecting yourself

from any threats from the outside coming

in love enhances energy fear shuts the

energy down and therefore love enhances

vitality because life is energy fear

compromises vitality because fear is

just the opposite it shuts down your

energy so the honeymoon effect is really

a recognition of what the

the negative programs operating from

wishes and desires filling your body's

blood with the chemistry that enhances

epigenetics which enhances your health

and makes life the joy that we love so

when you're in love life is wonderful

and beautiful when you're in fear you're

shut down and afraid so the difference

is why love is so important in our world

because life is driven by love the

energy of love and in contrast fear will

shorten your life the energy and

chemistry of fear is actually the cause

of almost all illness on this planet so

you need a simpler answer than the fact

that love enhances your vitality your

energy and your health as compared to

fear which shuts down your vitality your

energy and causes disease it's all a

matter of the interpretation of the mind

being translated in the chemistry that

makes a compliment of the body the body

and love vital body and fear threatened

and all of a sudden you see why we seek

love it's a built-in mechanism to

enhance our life experience on this planet"

Bruce Lipton




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