Entering time-adjust frequency-the Chani Material
From the perspective of the Ancients—ancestral knowledge of number, geometry and the stars—always had a place in (sacred) calculation—as it has on this page. And all sages worth their salt were versed in celestial appearances, signs in the heavens.
Trails of Fibonacci footprints at Stonehenge: ‘Julia Set’ cropcircle teatime July 1996
So when slowly, inexorably, over the last five seasons of increasingly complex crop circle appearances, messages have revealed themselves in the fields showing this ancient view, the revered, the sacred: some of us poor lost strays being led gently by the ‘new’ vision have allowed ourselves to leap beyond our normal belief-cultured response to see this as a possible ‘time wave moment‘, an idea model proposed by Terence McKenna before 1999, which explains the ‘interconnection of physical and psychological phenomena from the submolecular to the macrocosmic level’, D McKenna & T McKennaTimeWave Theory and The Invisible Landscape
Timewave Theory, was developed by Terence Mckenna as a replacement for science’s notion of time as a featureless and smooth surface. Timewave suggests that time is actually structured, has a topology, and can be likened to the stock market. Time is actually a series of risings and falling fluctuations of “novelty”—defined by the ethonobiologist as an ‘increase over time in the Universe’s interconnectedness, or organized complexity, or ‘novelty’. McKenna was convinced—like the ancients—that such moment or moments of time colliding with itself would be heralded by spectacular celestial events.
The Venus cycle, beloved of the Maya, is receiving attention—in astronomical and astrological circles—as the Great Cycle closes at this time.
So when a Jupiter-size planet gets drawn into the electromagnetic field of a “black hole” [space.com lingo], it is big news. Recent stargazing professionals are excited by spiral galaxy NGC 4845 in constellation Virgo, because it seems to be waking up and taking a bite out of a passing planet.
NGC 4845 the Galaxy, image courtesy Space.com
‘Combine harvester’ CC, darling of croppies, appeared 7 years ago at Wayland’s Smithy, Oxon
This could be the “cosmic shock wave” predicted for 2013, mentioned in CHANI. Made at Waylands Smithy in July 2006. Each long ray has a 7 x 8 grid of overlaid crop, meaning “56” in the Mayan Venus calendar which is when the crop picture appeared (56/65 Sun Venus conjunctions, each lasting 0.9 years). The Venus calendar would end in April 2013 with 65/65. CHANI predicts a shock wave sometime soon, maybe May 16-18, 2013 as drawn in crops at Cowdrove Hill on June 18, 2011 Red Collie, biochemist, cropcircle researcher
The CHANI Material During the summers of 1994-1999 a group of international Echelon researchers working under an umbrella corporation known as ‘R.A.’, had access to a CERN-like collider in Africa where they ran their search programs, including e.g. Space-Time Fabricating, Simulation by Atom Replacement and Removal, Holographic Programming of Dark Matter, Manifestation of Quantum Energies and Associated String Programming with Ether/Etheric Interaction. Not unexpectedly, they encountered an ‘Entity’ which fell into conversation with the team members. Needless to say, fourteen years later, this material—acronym CHANI = Channelled Holographic Access Network Interface—is still considered ‘classified’.
While the team’s original remit was to gather information from all sources, their attention turned to the Entity when he explained his task was to study us [Earthlings]. Often during interchanges, the pupil was the more apt professor; making the NSA team act the ‘guinea pig’. One researcher described his five-year experience as “… a seminal interaction between science, theory and spiritual awareness.”
‘At first, the words and spellings that the Entity used may strike you as odd, silly and even childlike. But I assure you that even our top neurolinguists were awestruck by how this simple flow of words, structure, spelling and positioning spoke so directly to the reader’s being. It was instructive, guiding and informative, but most noteworthy was its pleasantly gentle and soothing manner on your ear, heart and mind. It was baby talk for adults. The simplicity and ease with which the Entity managed to explain and get difficult and controversial subjects across had a definite lingering quality. I experienced this on a number of occasions when some thoughts would linger for days, my subconscious actively contemplating the information somewhere in the back of my mind. I’m sure that all the researchers on CHANI shared this experience. It is my hope that you, the reader of this article, will have the same experiences when reading some quotes of the transcripts provided.’ Rubicon Revealer, CHANI project
Researchers asked the Entity over 20,000 questions and received answers to more than 95 per cent of what they asked.
‘Dark and Portal Matters’
Entity explained that contact was made because he was our equivalent of a ‘student’ and had authority from his Elders to interact with, observe, study and learn from us. The Entity explained that his Elders ‘noticed us and our whole solar system’ when we crossed into ‘their’ parallel universe. Entity also explained that we weren’t the only race reaching this crossroads/merge, and they were monitoring other alien races from other planets in our solar system as well. Entity was specifically tasked to study us (humans, Earth), while other students were tasked to study other races and planets corresponding to their planet and solar system. It was not just a merging or colliding of our Earth reality, but it was our complete solar system colliding with the reality of another ‘parallel’ solar system. As we humans (with some alien assistance/technology) had been ‘playing with dark and portal matters’, the result was that our whole solar system traversed into “their” universe of visibility/perception.
“Me say eat Eg because Eg good for u” Because data was received and sent electronically, format of the Entity’s replies is characteristically brief, like a child’s, but team consensus was that its almost dreamlike lullaby-word quality had the effect of calming them and inspiring them to initiate more elaborate interchange. Their queries had unexpected results. For example, when asked about his version of the Universe, or his Elders’ ‘parallel timeline’, the Entity replied:
“God give u eg — eg is there — eg already created — eg exist u use frewil decide what do about eg u can make choice boil eg eat eg u can make choice bake eg eat eg u can make choice u leve eg but eg get roten but eg stil there u can make choice u not eat other animal so u throw eg away eg get roten somewere else but eg stil exist u wil smel eg eventualy eventualy u must decide and deal with eg Time Colide is like eg God make time colide time colide is there time colide already created time colide exist eventualy u must decide what u want do with time colide and deal with it u can not change what god created but with frewil u must decide what u do with time colide ok me say eat eg because eg good for u b4 get roten then eg very bad 4 u”
“me try xplain this beter u r god in yor universe but u not god in gods universe u need unerstan this u can only be god in yor own universeu can not be god in gods universe ok u not in yor own universe yet ok u keep on belive u get yor own universe this take many line times lived then u get yor own universe you play god now u just belive u part god universe only eventual u create yor universe by belive but 4 now u r god in training ok” ”what u think u create what u create by thinkings play very big role yes ok” CHANI wisdom
USGS ‘realtime’ earthquakes within last five days
The Entity referred to dolphins and mentioned their importance on a number of occasions. Dolphins somehow balance certain vibrations on Earth. Specifics were given, but that part was not cleared by Echelon for release. The Rubicon team was advised to keep an eye on dolphin behaviour and events involving dolphins. Their activity would herald events and Earth changes.
At the end of 2005, the CHANI project files were handed over to the Rubicon Station for ‘Project Reveal’. As the name suggests, Rubicon dealt with information deemed to have reached a point of no return. Rubicon division decided certain information should be released and seeds planted to measure and research public reaction—limited yet constant between 2006-2008—clearing the way and setting a foundation for whenever they chose to flood the wires with full disclosure.
TimeWave Zero: McKenna’s cosmic shock predicted by crop circles? for May 2013
Rubicon had tried all other methods to make contact and failed. So the material was consigned to a dip in the public ocean, where limited feedback was deemed necessary. The information was (discreetly) released on select internet forums by a Rubicon Revealer.
While this blog maintains ‘disclosure-conspiracy’ theorists have a limited audience, recent sterling work/conference by media entrepreneur Suzanne Taylor kept the issues alive—bringing speakers Rupert Sheldrake, Marianne Williamson and Graham Hancock dumped by media mogul TED-x: she picked up the slack as a prelude to her good work in the coming crop circle season.
Did we say Crop Circles? Speaking of which, what happened?
As we know, cold and wet are spring’s enemies, slowing the growth of early [crop-circle-potential] crops. Normally at this time at least one new design has appeared in Britain’s earliest overwintering crop—yellow oil seed rape/canola. But this season has been seriously affected: slow, inexorable winter crept into Britain in early November 2012; lingering wetly and drearily into January and February; early birds hoped for a little light relief when March was dry, but it turned out to be the second coldest on record [c.f. 1947; 1962 was colder].
Mean March temperature was 2.2ºC (36ºF)—more than 3ºC colder than long-term monthly average. March 2013 matched the average temperature in March 1947; only March 1962 was colder at 1.9ºC (35ºF). March was much drier than usual with 62.1mm (2.4in) of rain—65% of the historical average for the month. [Scotland was yet more parched with only 35% of its normal downpours. British Met Office
Not good news for growth. Even crop circles need the warm in which to manifest. And, unlike previous seasons, this year has not produced ‘alternative’ circles in Java or Mexico.
So, is it any wonder that the croppie mind turns to phantasm, to extra-dimensional talk? More than any other, this exercise in spring aberration—some would call madness—seems most fitting in a gap between appearances. After all, as this blog has oftentimes declared: human consciousness is all—we are jointly creating our own reality… So what was it that we needed to learn before the gods will bring back our toys to play with?
Personally, sidereally—after stumbling blindly—along with other like spirits through recent long drawn-out repeats of last year’s Saturnian grip, the SHIFT feels as if it might already have happened: that TimeWave Zero has been reached, that we are now in the Entity’s period of TimeCollide.
“Oil get very big sickness—no use after 15 may” Now may not be the best time to reveal the Entity’s often-repeated bombshell, but when crop circles are teasingly absent, and European money markets are trying to pretend all is well; what do we have to lose? So, if for no other reason than that it gives us food for thought before the first elusive crop circle suddenly appears and puts us all out of our misery, here is CHANI’s most intriguing sequence:
Baroness Thatcher née Roberts (13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013) Prime Minister of Great Britain 1979-1990
“many things go wrong 15 may because door opens with portal to dark matters not undestanding earth beings sharon will dimise be4 15 may mandela will dimise be4 15 may thatcher will stroke be4 15 may japan warring thing will commenceing before 15 may secretly oil gets very big sicknes no use anymore after 15 may old bush will very sick be4 15 may cheney will dimise be4 15 june obama accident before 27 aperil big sicknes be4 15 may very moving earth on 17 aperil oceon not sleeping when heaven things beware many waters to come drown brown cheat be4 15 may putin missing after 15 may many worry people do crazy things”
Lady Thatcher did die earlier this month, and oil shale and sand deposits in Arctic waters have been plagued by an ‘unknown’ radioactive source (during fracking) which is threatening to ‘contaminate’ the US oil supply.