Boris Johnson's Agenda Fully Revealed - Welcome to ET Animal Farm
FACT CHECK THIS!! IF COVID-19 IS SUCH A RISK - WHERE ARE THE BODIES? Proof: 1,600 Deaths per Day in the UK is normal DEATHS IN ENGLAND FROM COV-19 ARE NEGLIGIBLE CDC and FDA and Medical Authorities Are Liars The PCR Test is a load of bollocks and serves to do nothing other than promote fear amongst mankind. If the PCR Test targets natural genetic material then it is illegal to patent a test. Period If the "Tested material has been genetically created" then it is a violation of Chemical/ Biological Warfare treaties Proof: Page 42: "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA FACT - Fetal and animal material is being entered into the Human Genome ChADOx1 - Chimpanzee = Ch AD - Adenovirus Ox1 = Oxford FACT - MRC - 5 Medical Research Council STANLEY PLOTKIN DEPOSITION - FETAL MATERIAL IN ALL VACCINES - Why? CRISPR Ai GENE EDITING SOFTWARE - THIS IS BEING USED "IN YOU" IF YOU TAKE THE SHOT CRISPR - cas9 and 12 CRISPR BABIES - NANAR and LULU He Jiankui Affair - China's Dr. Frankenstein FIRST HUMAN CLONE LUCIFERASE AND QUANTUM DOT TECHNOLOGY - Bioluminescence in your Body RENEGADE OBAMA - BRAIN INITIATIVE 2016 - FUCKING WITH YOUR HEAD MICROSOFT QUANTUM DOT TECHNOLOGY HAS THE ABILITY TO ACTIVATE AND DEACTIVATE NEURONS - This means you can be turned on and off at will, or your emotions and reactions can: TRUTH OR LIE? QUANTUM DOT